We go exploring

The Microsphere, an explorer craft from the planet Xeno, hurtled through space. “Entering Earth’s atmosphere,” called out Navigator Marko. “We’re about to explore a real earthling!” whispered 10-year-old Rikki to Rokko, her seven-year-old brother. “Frabbid!” replied Rokko. (“Frabbid” is the Xenite word for “awesome.”) “We land in 30 seconds,” said Commander Demi.

Rikki and Rokko peered out the viewport. The ship hovered above a big green field. Earthlings darted about the field, kicking a black-and-white sphere. “Which earthling shall we explore, Commander?” asked Marko.

Commander Demi pointed to a boy who stood in front of some white posts. “The one over there who’s standing still,” she said. “He’ll be easier to land on.” …

  1. What do you understand by the following phrases from the passage:
  2. Frabbid (line 3)
  3. Black and white sphere (line 6) …

Questions (13)






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